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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:31 am

The arroncar just idly watched as she backed up to the trees and then dodged his own little flames having caught on the tree an started the beginings of a fire for it..which he just shrugged not his problem there.

He turned his attention to the rapidly approaching hollow that wanted a face to face introduction.which he did not so much as move his sword not even twitching "thought you would of figured out the first time" he rushed to meet her his own scaled scarf snakeing out again for contact againestthe scorpion where she would feel like she was headbutting a steel wall the wolf's arm shooting to try to either grab her arm or a non bladed part of her weapon to stop that thing from getting friendly with him


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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:18 am

Rose felt the hard wall between her and him that was his scarf. It was solid, and defended him well, she felt the scales cutting into her skin as her force pushed her head through.

However, he had the right idea. When her first attack didn't succeed, she tried immediately to take a stab with another. Ready, he grabbed it behind the blade before she succeeded. He could, however, smell the poison that covered the blade. It smelt like lilies, and a hint of honey. Like it was inviting him to take a taste.

She fell back to her feet, blood already running down her temple and while he still had the weapon gripped, she twisted so her back was to him, and then tried to kick him back into the tree line.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:26 am

his nose scrunched as he could almost taste the poison and no matter how tempting it was,poison was still poison and thankfully he has seen its effects..otherwise he would not be nearly as carefull to avoid that glave.

Allthough he did not react quick enough to her twisting or just neglected to do that takeing a hard kick that sent him moving back allthough the arroncar recoverd rather quickly only being pushed back a good thirteen feet before he planted his feet back on the ground..rubbing that kicked area..his scarf allready wrapped back around his neck..allthough he suspected she would not fall for that gimmick again..if she did he was not giving her another shot at him

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:37 am

She was already chasing him, blade poised to impale him in the stomach again, only when she was adapting. She got the blade within his block box, but instead of going through with her stab, she flicked it on its side to try to cut up the middle of him. Go big or go home, as they say.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:53 am

The arroncar himself was not too impressed with the scorpion lunging again in another attempt to stab him,he was pleasantly surprised she was trying to add something new to her attacks with the switch to a slash

he was just muttering to himself as he hardly had seconds to react to her...for a moment he just wanted to take the hit so shed finnaly get something in..but that was probably just his playfull side rearing its ugly head
Immediatly gripping his weapon with both arms for once attmpting to block the vertical slash combine that with the reitsu exercion he decided to add onto that..the selfsame tactic that rose attempted on him earlier except more focused..he idly wonderd if this would be enough to save his shirt

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:38 am

Dellindis and Rose finally crossed zanpakuto, for a moment before he knocked it aside. Her guess had been the scarf, but to bring his blade into play was thought provoking. However, she is successfully disarmed as Toxico goes spinning in the direction he flung it to, it stabbed into the ground with a soft thunk and the momentum left it leaning away from them.

The exertion probably had a hand in that, as she felt his force try to trip her. She felt the crushing weight of his power, one of the only ones to match her own to date, slam into her. But like a crashing wave against rock, she pushed it back on him like he'd taught her, trying to dominate the air space a she followed in its wake attempting to tackle him to the ground as plainly as a human might. Grabbing for his waist where she'd put all her force into.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:47 am

Was surprised he actually succeeded in disarming his sparring partner allthough he assumed he was the only one considering the other a partner..thankfully he avoided much pain and poison..she replied with retrying and attempting to overwealm him which she succeeded he would give her props for that.

The next move put him through a ringer as she tackled him at the waist the wolf reply with an "Urk!!!" as she pushed him too the those few moments while the two were fighting the purple flames had started to spread to the surounding trees so the scent of smoke was in the air

Looking up at the scorpion that had pinned him to the ground he awaited her next move all the while his hands started to glow blue what appeared to be ceros forming

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:13 am

Rose had not expected that to work, but when she looked up she had successfully tackled him to the ground, her face peaking out from his shirt which was still in one piece, into his eyes that were staring at her.

She stared back for a few more moments, before she slowly, and very non threateningly, got to her hands and then her knees, and then crawled up his body, all while keeping very locked eye contact with Dellindis. As the trees went up in flames around them, she leaned in closer, and closer. She could have kissed him she got so close, her nose mere millimeters from his.

He could see something stirring in her eyes, he may never know the true girl who was trapped inside of this Rose, but if he ever met her he'd recognize her screaming curiosity bleeding through those glowing eyes as she inspected his.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:31 am

Dellindis was screaming internally but kept a straight face on the outside despite how in his personal space she was..not to mention she was acting more animal then hollow at this position

The fact that she crawled up his body put him very on guard despite her movements try to do the oppisite..just having this crazy cooky so close was scaring him his fists enclosed ready to launch his barrage of ceros if she so much as took one threatening movement...He awaited her next action no matter how much of a bad idea it was..part of him was just screaming to blast her to get ehr away.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:14 pm

Rose stared a bit longer, before she was interrupted. "How rude!" Lilith said, punctuating with a foot stomp. Causing the hollow who was still very much on top of him still, to look away. "First you two wake me up with all these ceros, then you have some nerve to ignore me the whole time!" She stomped her foot again. "And now you are going to continue to ignore me to go on a kissingthon with your new boyfriend, some scoundrel you met in the GUTTER!?" Her voice pitched so high it made Rose wince.

She stood up on her knees, straddling Dellindis between her legs. "We were sparring." She explained, as if her position over him wasn't awkward at all.

"Whatever you want to call it, I don't care!" She was holding her parasol in one hand and her hip in the other. "Its dumb!"

The shreds of her old self faded from her eyes as she looks displeased by the girl's comments. "Evan approves." She defended it, still not moving from her position from over Dellindis.

"I don't care WHAT Evan approves of." The girl with the pink locks turned to the guy who was still making notes on the fight. She turned back, folded her parasol  up and smacks the air between them, pointing it at Rose. "You are ignoring me, and ignoring Keyno! And-"


Lilith stopped where she was, interrupted only to be asked who Keyno is. "The guy you are courting? Your lover? Although what he saw in Rose was beyond Lilith!!

"Lover..?" She said, then turned to Dellindis. Her eyes looked him over again, less intently than before. She then got up and moved over to her weapon. "Go away Lilith, we are busy." She said as she retrieved her weapon. With it in her hand, Lilith's bravado shrank, and she was a bit more silent, though still pouty.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:27 pm

Dellindis had the decentcy to look just a tad embarased as the scorpion straddled him as she was talking to herself again the only thought that was going through his head as she was talking to herself -man....this is bloody awkward- he would of scratched his head if it wouldent of caused himself to blow it off.

He just shifted uncoumftably as she spoke about evan approveing...he dearly hoped this conversastion was about the spar and not about lunch...that would put quite a hamper on enjoyment...his eyebrows quirked on the lover angle she uttered..who the heck was crazy enough for that certain death interaction? was only then he say her giving him a once over..oh no no no.

Thankfully she hopped off of him causing the arroncar to sigh relieved as he got up dusting himself off as his hands ceased their glowyness dusting himself off "well..that was awkward."

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:43 pm

Lilith staid near Dellindis, giving him a look over, but with a skeptical eye instead of a curious one. "HMPH! He's not even that cute." She said, as if she was trying to prove to herself that he wasn't instead of Rose. "What's the whole point of this anyways?"

They were still ignoring the growing forest fire. "He wants to get to know my style better." She said, showing no signs of feeling awkward about what had happened, showing no real sign of anything.

Lilith rolled her eyes. "You're so stupid.. You two have been at this for a while already, and the only thing you've done is tackle him?" She pointed to Rose with the folded parasol; specifically at Toxico. "He obvious means that." She said.

This caused Rose to stop preparing to go yet again, and look down at her glaive. "This?"

"Yes that! Toxico Strike - yada yada ya. If his wants to experience your full potential, then that's the only way." She waved for the arrancar to get on with it, then crossed her arms and shook her head, talking to Dellindis despite him not hearing her. "How can two guys like THAT?"

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:18 pm

The arroncar sighs as the arroncar has an in depth conversastion about things he was blissfully unaware of his attention being caught by the large ammount of smoke and then eyes turning to the fire instead the arroncar rubbing his chin "huh...i wonder if i'll get in trouble for that" he said like there was nouthing wrong with the situation...just like rose assumed there was nouthing wrong with straddleing him.

He blocked her out as her weapons ability was pointed out to him..if she was going to speak to him she'll probably try to get his attention

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:44 pm

Rose understood what Lilith was saying, but felt like rejecting her proposal, if only because she felt there was no need to.

"But she does have a point.." Evan, the voice of reason explained, putting his notebook away for the moment being. He brushed his shoulders free of some ash. "He did want to analyze your abilities, and that would be the best way. After all you have already finely displayed all your abilities you are capable in this form. The only thing he has not experienced is your poisons, and they are much easier to show off when Toxico is attached." Evan explained, looking back at the fire. "I do hope that burns out before too much damage is done.."

Rose clearly listened to Evan more than she did Lilith. Probably because of Evan's nature vs Lilith's. She looked back up at Dellindis. "I'm ready." Was her only explanation.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:19 am

The arroncar nodded to rose as she addressed him takeing a few steps away from her as he eyed the forest fire "guess i should stop this before it gets out of hand" he said with a frown

He twirled his weapon a few times before he kneeled on the ground fire surounding them both before he thrusted and planted his blade into the ground immediately the fires surrounding them started to snake towards them the flames going right under the scorpions legs the fire showing a sentience as it avoided all its obstacles without spreading to them being fed into his blade

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:34 am

Rose waited for the start of the fight again, and had her blade ready when he did his little dance. She was distracted by the flames all around them, and waited to see what they planned to do, only to watch as the fire he'd spread through the dying trees were pulled back into the same being who made them. She let her weapon tilt down as she watched this all happen, following a random stream of fire crawl towards Dellindis and into his sword.

"Most impressive." Evan shared.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:43 am

He streatches as he stands back up the blade just as untarnished as when he thrusted in as if the sword just extinguished the entire forest fire "sorry about would be rather inconveniant if humans came here too quickly" he shrugged at his half assed excuse

He yawned as he held out his blade pointed at the hollow "Well lets continue for a bit more before we vacate the area"

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:41 pm

Rose continued to stare, watching the blade come free of the earth, clean and untouched by the flames.. When she notices he was standing up and preparing for the rest of their fight, making comments she didn't quiet understand, except the go a head.

With a flick of her wrist, her weapon was brought back to threat level. Only for her to utter the magic words: "Toxico. Strike!" She raised her voice for the first time, loudly commanding the weapon she wielded, lifting it to point at him as if she were marking him for death. But that was all she got out before it reacted to its master.

It was not clear where it was coming from, as he did not hear anything move in the weapon, but green smog began to poor from several points of the weapon, and quickly filled the area around her. It covered her completely from his sight, his nose, and his senses. The fog rolled closer, creeping towards him. It was a gas, and by the looks of it he could assume poisonous. As it neared he'd smell something close to an ancient wood, and how an old book smelt. It invited him to breath it in heavily.

A moment later, he'd hear the first of many snaps. A resounding crack that he'd recognize as larger bone breaking. And then he'd hear the same thing echo from within the cloud. Then a whole fireworks display worth of breaking bones, easily deducted that several if not all of them in her tiny body were being snapped by something dangerous int he fog, several times over as well. It was the only sound he could hear from inside, the splintering sound of a broken body.

It was almost impossible to mess up a Resurrecion.. But had she found a way?

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:13 pm

He tensed slightly as she called out rather loudly and pointed her weapon at him the dragon wolf getting the impression that this would be of a higher calibur then her previous attacks so it was logical to be on guard at this point

And then the most offputting part was as the fog started to emit from her weapon and start to mask her presense..but at the fog started to spread out the wolf quickly backed off ..even if it smelled better then usual he's seen that..the weapon she uses is that fog should be no diffrent,,it was a fair assumption.

So as the airy death started to approach him the arroncar sonidoed to one of the nearby still alive trees standing at the top as he looked down warily at the fog where she was still at..weapon at the ready no longer playing around..if he was not careful this could end rather badly for him.

He cringed as he could hear bones snapping from within the fog as he started to wrap his scarf around his face bareing his partly armoured neck and shoulders showing off the location where his hollow hole resided. "that does not sound right" he muffled through his scarf as he watched and waited.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:00 pm

The snapping continued, until abruptly stopping and the eerily silence took over. He'd feel something instinctual at this point, something dangerous. Something extremely dangerous was with him. But also that it wasn't even her full potential. It was hard to sense that, though, the release of the poison was mingling with her already present Reitsu, and it was hiding her location. He could even say it was hiding her power, but in fact it was displayed blatantly for him and anyone to see. And it was some how more impressive than before.

Then there was one sound, a chattering hissing rattle of a sound that was unmistakably a type of bug. It almost sounded like a cicada. Then the fog slowly began to dissipate by itself, slowly revealing his opponent. But he only got to see the barest silhouette of her huge form before he felt the cero already charging. It wasn't as strong as he was used to feeling from her. By the time he could see more detail, her same face her same barely covered chest, the whites of her mask remnants along her collar bone, but instead of leading to bare shoulder's a pair of bulky scorpion claws were now raised in a warning kind of way. The purple 'thong' now covered her lower half and where she had had two legs she now merged with the body of a scorpion. Or what he could see of it,

Then the cero launched.

The stinger she no doubt had, raced towards him with blinding speeds and aimed to pin him to the tree!

Lanzar la Espina(Thorn Launch):

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:46 pm

He frowned as he looked over the fog the snapping coming to an abrupt end allthough he could not tell if that was good or bad.probably bad. His attention was then drawn by the loud chittering he could hear from inside the fog he nodded "definitely bad" He commented gripping his weapon tightly the idea occuring to him what would happen if he was someone who had actually ticked her off instead of sparring..

He squinted as the fog began to clear the wolf trying to get a good look if she had released or not..if she had..he would have to step it up a bit to compensate.

Then he caught sight of the rest of her body..the silence that accompanied him was deafining as he inspected her hollow form for a moment before he came upon his conclusion. "Crap" He then tensed as she launched something at him the wolf squinting to follow the little stinger "fast!" is all he muttered as he quickly attempted to block the quickly approaching missile with his defense.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:23 am

"That was a bit aggressive.. A little excessive too." Evan said, still standing at her side.

"You dummy!" Lilith cried out, about to hit Thorn again.

All while the needle shot through the air. His blade flicked up just in time to deflect it, but it was far too fast and powerful for him to completely negate it. With a hard 'thud' it pierced the wood of the tree he stood in right by his head. Sent by the force of a cero, the spike impaled itself 3/4th of the way into the tree. He'd feel feel some liquid drip from the end onto the bare of his shoulder, milky semi-clear goo that held the same scent as her blood that was left on his scarf. He can deduct that it was forcefully expelled.

Rose remained where she was, now the smog was cleared he could see her entirely. The end of her tail was also dripping with the same liquid. It wouldn't be too far fetched to believe she just disarmed her tail to attempt a long range attack.

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:41 am

The arroncar winced as he narrowly deflected that little bloody missile just inches from his face..all the while he swore that thing must of broken something in his wrist judging on how much it bloody hurts just from deflecting that freaking little cero attack...even deflecting or blocking full on ceros did not hurt as much as that..he grumbled as he switched his sword to his off hand letting his main arm just hang limply watching to see if she had any other tricks for him.

He scrunched his nose at the visable blood from the stinger..looking down at her more scorpion form then over at her bleeding part where she shot that little thing "well..thats gotta hurt" he commented

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:10 am

"It does." She said, letting the tail curl up in itself, it was already mending though, she could feel the new stinger piercing her flesh to become new. That hurt as well. "But you wanted to see what I am capable of, didn't you?"

Evan realized this was the first time she spoke in this form, as Rose and as Thorn. It struck him as bizarre and strangely unsettling..

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:49 am

He nodded as he looked over his wrist..sometimes he wished he had some of that healing power like the shinigami have..he just shrugged "true i've gotten a good grip on your ability's and you would be a challenge for me anyday" he gave his honest assement..the whole time he fought her he was trying very hard not to get hit..if he did not know about the poison beforehand this fight would of gone a lot diffrently

Dellindis himself was not as unsettled as the persoanlity quirks of rose but that was most likely because he did not have knowledge on her..allthough he was steadily changeing that

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Red painted White rose - Page 6 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:52 am

"I am not finished." She said, with a hint of ominous intent. Her tail uncurled, the stinger regenerated and now leaking something pink. Even from here, he could smell that it was the same as what was on her blade.

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