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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:52 am

"I am not finished." She said, with a hint of ominous intent. Her tail uncurled, the stinger regenerated and now leaking something pink. Even from here, he could smell that it was the same as what was on her blade.


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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:23 am

Tilts his head to the side"oh?" he flexed his arm a few times before smirking at the scorpion "then show me the power you have then..i will admit that this has become somewhat enjoyable"

He dropped down from the tree down to the area below switching weapon arms again back to his main side scarf still covering his face

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:50 am

Rose followed him to the ground, and enjoyed the fact that he would lower himself to fight her. She could go up there to get him, but it was hard to do such things in this form. Trees tended to break under her weight. Everything tended to break under her weight...

She twirled her weapon into view. It wasn't common for the blade to remain when this form is hit, but she kept it firmly in her hand, however, it was a bit useless given her tail.

She took a step closer, which entailed more than just a step. Four of the heavily armored and slightly twisted looking legs of her eight drummed against the earth with loud thuds, but only once. She was sure she wanted to charge, but he was quick, and nimble. She was still for another moment before she sonido'd to him. It sounded like gunshots went off as she did, and she appeared in front of him, her claws reaching out to grab him by the arms and her tail ready to strike the five times she needed.


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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:11 am

The wolf noted that the sound of her approaching did not do wonders for ones she seriously looked more like a tank in this form causing the wolf to sweata bit,,wondering if even his most hard hitting attacks would even effect her when shes like this.

He let out a sound that was suspiciously like a "hmm" as she appeared in front of him ready to grab him for whatever piece of pain she had for him..he was not too set on that idea to be honest.

He immediatly responded with a half hearted slash to the nearest claw before he tried to slide under the claw he attempted to cut

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:22 am

If he was not going to put the effort to stop her, he wasn't going to stop her claw. It catches the blade, squeezing it but not threatening to break it, just make it useless as her other claw missed his shoulder. However, he stinger was still striking down. It stabbed into the arm that held his blade which she held in her claw. It pulled back and aimed for his chest, and even if that missed she aimed for his other arm in quick strikes. Her tail tried stabbing for his legs next. And it would repeat this process until it hit each limb and his main body at least once or until he escaped her range.

While the stinger she'd shot at him was huge, only the tip shot through his flesh. It was painful, like someone stabbing him with a dagger's tip but the poison's injection was instant as it shot into his blood stream.

Active Pink Poision:

[[ Dellindis is within 100 Reishi of Rose, making him Eligible to RESIST the poisons if he chooses: Inflicted who are within 100 reishi of Rose's can resist it, meaning each stage for them is halved. ]]

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:40 am

The arroncar growled as she caught his weapon and then immediatly stabbed his sword arm that enough was sufficent to send off warning bells in his head allready having released the grip on his sword..rather hopeing she does not do anything with it or he was going to have to go bezerk on her.

By the time the second sting went for his chest the wolf was allready gone his sword in her hand the arroncar on the other side of the clearing with a bleeding arm and a frown as he inspected the damage looking over at the behemoth that was the scorpion..not even a scratch on her. he could allready feel his arm begin to go numb he clicked his tongue as he looked at the huge scorpion "now this is a problem"

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:19 pm

Rose did not except him to abandon the sword, and she stabbed Toxico into the ground beside her to take it from her claw. He retreated, as he should, and while he inspected the wound her poison was quickly taking over she inspected his soul's blade.

It fit in her hand funny, not originally meant for the lefty. But she gave it a test swing and found it to be too light for her liking. She flipped it in her hand, grabbing the blade without feat, and then hefted it back in his direction. Not a lot good it would do now that her pink poison was coursing through him.

"It will be over soon." She said, but was that a promise, or a threat. She ripped up the blade, and then her tail coiled up, and when it relaxed he could see the color had changed. Unless he was color blind, even then he would see some difference. It was toxic green now, and smelt something like the fog she'd produced. She then approached, casually.

This form was as bulky and fortitude as you'd expect. She was not made for chasing, she was made for intimidating the weak, and encouraging the stupid to come closer. Her tail wagged as four legs at a time drummed in unison to carry her closer.

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:38 pm

he frowned as she played around with his weapon..of course it would not work for her too was part of his soul...for him it was weightless for her she would have trouble using it.

He racked his brain for solutions as his arm started to go numb allready the poison was spreading through his arm..and he doubted he could burn it out of his system..turning his head to the approaching monster..the arroncar frowned..he probably had like one attack that could actually hurt her..and that required getting in close..and he did not like that idea.

he kept his distance as she approached him in her slow form the idea of just barrageing her with ceros occured to him but for some reason that seamed like a waste of energy

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:04 pm

Rose continued moving closer, and she eyed his arm. "Its strange.. I think you are the first.." She decided she wanted him to know what all of her poisons did. But catching him would be hard.. He was fast. They always were. She prepared for another Sonido, moments later he'd hear the familiar thunder like several guns going off one after another. He'd not her speed was even less impressive, but the sonido still got the job done. She was in front of him again, her claws reaching out for his body, ignoring the injured arm. She aimed for the sides of his belly. With both hands on her blade she aimed for his non-dominate hand, the uninjured one. And her tail with the new poison shot for the insured arm, she should be having a hard time using it by now and it would be hard to defend against the rapid strike.

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:20 pm

The arroncar considered it more strange she was talking so must be his charming personality. but before he had time to consider this universal truth she tried to use her speed to catch on him again to try toe rip him to pieces.but sadly for what she gained in power her speed almost made the arroncar cry,,he thought there might be snales that could compete with her.

By the time her weapon and tail had shot for him he had already disappeared appearing almost under her to her left.the arroncars uninjured arm flexing as it was immediatly engulfed in that flame again "lets see if your fire proof" he said in an almost growl..getting poisoned was not his idea of fun..his flamed fist shooting to impact her left side to see if he could actually do damage or if he needed to rely on more draining techniques.

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:23 pm

She could feel she hadn't made contact, and that was disappointing. But the lure of damaging her was too strong even for the great Dellindis to resist.

In this form it was even harder to find a weak spot in the wall of chitin than it was in her more fleshy form. Her legs were armored and looked as if she put them together they would form a wall. The crook on them reached 7 feet easy, but when they were spread to move, it was easy to find a place for his fit that would impact her actual body. That wasn't saying it was any less armored than her legs.

His fist impacted, solid hit. But unlike her soft belly he'd kneed earlier, this was like hitting solid bone, hell.. comparing her to a castle's wall wasn't too far off by the feel of his hand.

Fire spider webbed, ironically, over the arachnid body, covering her in flames and heat. But the chitin wasn't impressed by his hot air, but he couldn't tell what damage - if any - he did under it. There was nothing to catch on fire though, not on this part of her body. But his position was a fantastic place for her reach. His punch told her exactly where he was, and she stabbed for his left shoulder.

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Kirino Yamazu Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:35 am

Sits upon a tree branch watching the two go at each other while i quietly eat a doughnut.
Kirino Yamazu
Kirino Yamazu

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by Dellindis Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:52 am

The arroncar grumbled as his attack made a pretty light show but the was about the extent of the effect on her..he related it to slamming his head againest a brick wall..both would give him simuler results.

Then she moved to stab him again but that fact was second on his mind as his right arm had started to twitch uncontrollably a pained look on his face was doing a good job at hideing the intense waves of pain courseing through his arm..and just for a moment he paused to reorrient himself

But ..just as she was like a castle wall..he was just as slippery to hit allready moveing around her legs before the hit even placed..afterall..wolves had a habit of not staying still..jumping off with a large impact on the ground the arroncar landed on the other side of the clearing..staying near her with one of his arms debibating him would be a problem.

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Red painted White rose - Page 7 Empty Re: Red painted White rose

Post by lonewolvernsoul Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:55 am

Her stinger slammed into the ground where his leg had been, but retracted almost as quickly, she let out a chitter before moving to face his direction where she could aim. Her tail coiled up again, and as she took a few more steps towards him, her tail stretched back out, the poison seemed non-existent this time. She continued to move closer, moving long enough for him to notices the faintest jerk, a limp perhaps, where he'd landed his punch. It didn't seem to be slowing her down by any means, but he could see he'd done something.

Whatever that may be.

As she closed the distance as much as a lumbering wall of hit points could, she charged a cero. He could not see it, but he felt it. It flicked to life and grew quickly, an alarming rate, but still he could not see the energy ball that they took as their usual form. Then in a snap, the tip of the tail exploded as it struck in his direction, the stinger dislodging and racing towards him again, the dagger sized spike trying to stab him in the gut at unbelievable speed and with the force he'd come to expect from the sloppy hollow.

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