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Advanced Character Template Empty Advanced Character Template

Post by Admin Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:06 am

"I have read the RP Rules and agree to follow those rules or accept the judgement of the administration for any infractions I may cause. If I have any concerns or questions, I understand to refer to the aforementioned regulations or ask the staff before proceeding further. I understand that I am responsible for my character's information and actions in the story."
~ Your Username

(This part is mandatory in any character sheet, otherwise, we will not judge your application. Don't take it the wrong way, we just want a guarantee that you'll act kindly in the future. We hardly ever have issues, but when we do, it's kind of distressing, so hopefully this will scare those people off.)

-Image Optional-


~Personal Information~

Appearance: -Optional if you have an image-

Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hand Orientation:
Relationship Status:
Blood Type:
Medical Disorders:
Physical Disabilities:

Unique Characteristics: (Uniquely glowing eyes, special markings on body, something notable of that degree.)

Familial Ties:


Personality: (One paragraph, five sentences)

Background: (One paragraph, five sentences)

~Profession Information~
Occupation: (Shinigami, Quincy, etc)
Affiliation: (Gotei 13, Kaisei Order, Aizen's Army, None, etc)
Previous Affiliation: (Only if applicable)
Operating Base: (Place most commonly found at, or is your home)
Team: (If in a Squad, list Squad. If in a special team, list name thereof.)
Rank: (Shinigami Rank or something similar.)

Primary: (Choose one according to your race, do NOT describe what yours is here.)
Zanpakuto: The trademark weapons of the Shinigami. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are amongst the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows. Each Shinigami carries a Zanpakuto, and each Zanpakuto is unique: as the swords are both reflections of a Shinigami's soul and power, and sentient beings unto themselves. (If Shinigami)

Quincy Cross (--Shape of Cross--): The trademark focus for the Quincy, the cross is their central symbol and the means of conjuring the Quincy Bow. The bows are a figurative name, as the weapon can be of virtually any variety or style. Each is unique to the Quincy themselves, and to the cross they bear. Without the cross, a Quincy cannot conjure their bow. (If Quincy)

Fullbring Focus: The object of importance to a Fullbringer, in which they have a special enough affinity for it to call forth an extraordinary power. It can be virtually anything, and the result is almost certainly unique. Without this sentimental object, a Fullbringer is simply not at their fullest ability. (If Fullbringer)

Bount Doll: A weapon created and controlled by Bounts that, when released, are self-sufficient in their own right. They are similar to their masters in personality, but their shape can differ radically, as well, they are often kept within objects in order to seal them and maintain control over them. (If Bount)

Other: (Only if applicable, and subject to administrative review. Hollows do not have starting equipment. Reiki users are subjective.)

(List what other equipment or devices you wish to give the character. They must pertain to the character and their race, and must have a purpose in the operation of your combat techniques, or are gained over time and given admin approval. If the character has no secondary equipment, simply put "None" in this section.)

~Combat Information~
Combat Style: (Short paragraph)

Combat Attributes:
(Refer to the Stat guide for this. It's a bit much to explain in a few sentences.)
Total: (#)

  • Stat 1 (#)
  • Stat 2 (#)

Reiatsu Color:
-(Any color under the rainbow, and then some. May have multiple, if desired.)
Reiatsu Shape:
-(Skull, rabbit foot, skull, angel wings, skull, hollow mask, skull, flaming skull, and so on.)
Reiatsu Type:
-(Standard (Non-elemental), Dual-Type (For Arrancars and Visoreds only), and Elemental)
Reiatsu Affinity:
-(Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice, Plant, Light, Dark, etc. Only here for elemental types. If Dual-Type, then Hollow-Shinigami, Quincy-Hollow, or similar depending on circumstances. Note: Cannot start as Visored or Arrancar.)
Reiatsu Amount:
-(Miniscule, Small, Large, Substantial, Significant, or Immense)

~Characteristics Of Spirit~
(If you are not a Shinigami, and don't have the Quincy Seishin Tsume, have the Visored Mask, or have a Hollow Spirit, do not include this section into your character sheet. It does not pertain to your selected race and circumstances.)

-Image (Optional)-
Spirit Type: (Zanpakuto, Seishin, or Hollow)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Unique Characteristics:

~Release Forms and Techniques~
Please refer to race specific templates listed below for details on what to do for this section of the character sheet.

Shinigami Template:

Quincy Template:

Hollow Template:

Reiki User Template:

--Ultimate Release--

(When achieved, your ultimate release and its template goes here. Every Ultimate Release will have a second post outlining its template. Should be simple, and they're similar to how the other release states work, template wise.)

Favorite foods:
Least Favorite foods:
Theme song(s):

Posts : 14
Join date : 2014-12-30

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Advanced Character Template Empty Re: Advanced Character Template

Post by Aloysius Koehler Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:27 pm

Here are the character template codes, without all those tags. Just copy and paste them, that's all you need to do.

Shinigami Template:

Quincy Template:

Hollow Template:

Reiki User:

And if you need to add it later because you got the Seishin Tsume or became a Visored, here's the Spirit Characteristics Section.

Spirit Characteristics:
Aloysius Koehler
Aloysius Koehler

Male Posts : 64
Join date : 2015-01-13
Age : 29

Character sheet
Rank: 14
Reishi: 900

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