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Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

Post by Aloysius Koehler Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:57 pm

"I have read the RP Rules and agree to follow those rules or accept the judgement of the administration for any infractions I may cause. If I have any concerns or questions, I understand to refer to the aforementioned regulations or ask the staff before proceeding further. I understand that I am responsible for my character's information and actions in the story."
~ Quantum_Rain

Aloysius Koehler (Cole) KqfHPEN

Additional Images:

Name: Aloysius Koehler
Nickname: Cole
Title: Gunslinger
Race: Quincy (Human)

~Personal Information~
Gender: Male
Nationality: Germanic
Age: 16
Birthday: January 20th
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 168 lbs (76 Kg)
Build: Athletic, Slim
Skin Tone: Pallor-Caucasian
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Tattoos: None
Blood Type: O
Medical Disorders: Mild Autism, Claustrophobic
Physical Disabilities: None

Unique Characteristics:
Cole's eyes, when very passionate, focused, or otherwise emotionally engaged or riled up, will start to glow with flames. When he is more in sync with his Seishin spirit which shares his body, those flames turn to a blue color rather than the normal orange-red.

Beyond that of survival and a normal human education, he has to resort to self-teaching based on what little he had learned from his great grandfather. He also has had some combat training from Fukaku.

Familial Ties:



~Profession Information~
Occupation: Quincy
Affiliation: None
Previous Affiliation: None
Operating Base: Karakura Town
Team: n/a
Rank: n/a
Partner: n/a

Quincy Cross (Cole's Grapevine Cross, Alexander's Coptic Cross): The trademark focus for the Quincy, the cross is their central symbol and the means of conjuring the Quincy Bow. The bows are a figurative name, as the weapon can be of virtually any variety or style. Each is unique to the Quincy themselves, and to the cross they bear. Without the cross, a Quincy cannot conjure their bow.

"Nachladen" Ginto Clips: Two specially designed ginto clips that are made to combine with Cole's Kojakus to allow for faster technique charging or improved firerates. They offer a readily accessible source of reishi which Cole can call upon, and automatically recharge after being spent, making them efficient.

~Combat Information~
Combat Style:
Aggressive and quick-moving, utilizing the surroundings as an advantage due to his agility. Several of Cole’s abilities have the capability to charge while in combat. What this would equate to meaning is his attacks would be noticeably weaker while he is holding back absorbed reishi, which will then be used for the correct ability.

Combat Attributes:
Total: (14)

  • Agility (6)
  • Speed (4)
  • Stamina (4)

Reiatsu Color: White with Red Outline
Reiatsu Shape: Eagle
Reiatsu Type: Elemental
Reiatsu Affinity: Fire
Reiatsu Amount: Significant

~Characteristics Of Spirit~
Aloysius Koehler (Cole) ColeMentor_zpsd56ec746
Spirit Type: Seishin Spirit
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 162 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Unique Characteristics:
-Ages at the same rate Cole does.
-Lacks memories of his previous life.
-Eyes glow like blue flames when angered or happy.

Special Abilities:
Combat Attributes:

~Release Forms and Techniques~

Base Kojaku Name: Igurutaron (Eagle Talon)
Base Kojaku Firerate: 50 bolts per second
Base Kojaku Appearance:
A white pistol with a red outline and a red Grapevine cross adorning the front, acting as a reticule. The bolts (not bullets) fired from the gun are also white and red in color and can be numerous as well. The gun only fires when Cole pulls and holds the trigger.

--Mastered Kojaku--
Mastered Kojaku Firerate: 100 bolts per second.
Mastered Kojaku Appearance:
Upon further mastery of Igurutaron, a second handgun may be called into existence in Cole’s freehand, and with all the same abilities as the first. This effectively doubles Cole’s firepower and fire rate. One kojaku can be unsummoned for other purposes, but such halves the fire-rate of the kojaku overall. The triggers must be pulled and held for the guns to continually fire

Mastered Kojaku Abilities
--Basic Abilities--
Danmaku (Barrage):
Taiyo Yosai (Solar Fortress):
Sutapiasa (Star Piercer):

--Advanced Ability--
Taiyo Furea (Solar Flare):

--Ultimate Ability--
Shainingusuta (Shining Star):

--Ginrei Kojaku--
Ginrei Name: Sutaraito Igurutaron (Starlight Eagle Talons)
Ginrei Firerate:
They both have a combined fire-rate of one-thousand bolts per second, but have a secondary capability of firing concentrated bolts at two-hundred bolts per second, clearly sacrificing speed for power.

Ginrei Appearance:
Utilizing two Quincy Crosses, his own and his mentor’s, Cole can conjure forth two medium-length-barrel magnums which are connected by a string of reishi that runs along the sides of his arms and across the back of his shoulders. The magnums both have small reticules in the shapes of the Quincy Crosses that were used to conjure them. One kojaku can be unsummoned for other purposes, but such halves the fire-rate of the ginrei as a whole. The triggers must be pulled and held for the guns to continually fire.

Ginrei Abilities:
--Passive Ability--
Shunkan-en (Flash Flame):

--Basic Abilities--
Sutakira (Star Killer), Sutafurea (Star Flare), Sutakugeki (Star Void):
Hoshi Kishi (Star Knight):

--Advanced Abilities--
Moeru Yoake (Burning Dawn):
Goka (Hellfire):

--Superior Ability--
Washi Dageki (Eagle Strike):

--Ultimate Release--

Likes: The color crimson, victory, Stargazing.
Dislikes: Losing, large groups of people, personal questions.
Favorite foods: Spicy foods
Least Favorite foods: Cooked Vegetables
Theme song(s):
Main Theme:
Aldnoah Zero - Bre@th\\less -a0v ver- (Sapphire Cover)

Battle Theme:
Resident Evil 6 - Heat on Beat 2012 (Mercenaries Theme 1)

Last edited by Aloysius Koehler on Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:54 am; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated music themes)
Aloysius Koehler
Aloysius Koehler

Male Posts : 64
Join date : 2015-01-13
Age : 29

Character sheet
Rank: 14
Reishi: 900

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Re: Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

Post by Haruko Sun May 03, 2015 10:47 pm


Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-05-03

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Re: Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

Post by Rizu Minamoto Tue May 05, 2015 6:30 pm

Rizu Minamoto
Rizu Minamoto

Female Posts : 97
Join date : 2015-01-10
Age : 33

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Re: Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

Post by Aloysius Koehler Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:52 am

Updated theme music and redid Ginrei abilities, awaiting re-approval.
Aloysius Koehler
Aloysius Koehler

Male Posts : 64
Join date : 2015-01-13
Age : 29

Character sheet
Rank: 14
Reishi: 900

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Re: Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

Post by Saiko Kiga Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:29 am

Saiko Kiga
Saiko Kiga

Female Posts : 25
Join date : 2015-05-03

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Aloysius Koehler (Cole) Empty Re: Aloysius Koehler (Cole)

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