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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:31 am

He idly rubbed his chin as he watched her destroy his ever generous gift..atleast he managed to coax some kind of attack from her apart from her trying to impale him...which was nice...impaling usually hurt...a lot.

He stared at the hollow as she was now pointing at him hand glowing in an obvious motion for a cero his mind immediately coming up with multiple scenarios on how to best this next attack. The captain himself started to begin the chant to yet another kido eyes not wavering from looking away at the hollow although despite all this there were beads of sweat dripping from him


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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:47 am

The orb of energy swirls and pulses as it takes its form before she launches it. It races across the distance towards him, the Cero Orb moving at high speeds and while looking close to a normal cero it was in deed not one. It aimed for his general direction, but it would detonate upon impact of anything.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:52 am

Zaal just let out a "hmmm" before he pointed his open palm at the steadily approaching energy blast. A pentagonal, silvery-blue shield of kido energy formed infront of his hand as he chanted out "Bakudo number Fifty five,Daikō Jushin Shōheki" the shield that was as big as his body now launched forward without any motion from the shinigami himself meeting the cero attack mid way in a move to intercept the move and cause to it explode before meeting zaal himself

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:18 pm

Rose watched but while she didn't expect that, she wasn't that impressed. If one cero wasn't enough, she'd just throw more. Like with the pillar, she launched several smaller condense cero towards him. One after another, as quickly as they launched, all the size of balas. But the key difference was they were much more powerful than that. She shot at least 15 at him before she paused, each shot of her Instantaneous Cero launching towards him in an effort to do damage.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:13 pm

Eyed her warily not expecting that,that show of force would be enough for her. the hollow immediately reacting with more energy attacks he clicked his tongue dodging the first few she sent his way on mere instinct before he sheathed his sword and held out the sheathed sword in front front of his body "Flow!" was all he yelled narrowly dodging another blast that managed to singe part of his hair, his weapon emanating a large silver flash that would in all likelihood blind the hollow for a second his normal zanpakuto's sheath turning into a bright silver with engravings etched all along.

Quickly redrawing his recently released zanpakuto he slashed at the next cero bala not with his blade but with the sheath instead oddly enough the cero would of been deflected away before being drawn into a vacuum that was sucking the energy attack into the open part of the sheath where his blade would normally be resting..and that was only one of the ceros he deflected the captain going into an effort to do simuler to to any of the other ceros he could manage to hit

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:19 pm

Rose watched as the blows were either dodged or... Absorbed? She stopped, not sure what this was, and glanced in a random direction for Evan who shrugged. She shook her head, aimed her blade, and used sonido to follow her cero towards the shinigami where she planned to attack while he was distracted.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:33 pm

Zaal frowned as he was cutting down those cero's "these are filled with much more power then they should " he mumbled occasionly spareing a glance at the hollow between least he was finnaly getting a chance to use his ability's. The captain swore inwardly as the hollow followed behind one of her attacks

"tch" his arms twitched moveing to his face before he paused for a second and growled "you want to play that way" two finger extened from his hold on his sheath bring in a downward motion as an amalgamation of bone started to form in front of his face a horrid aura taking over his reishi the appearance of it was similer to the look of armet helms from European knights.

he then regripped his sheath moving to deflect the last attack while his blade thats just been held in his main hand moved to make contact with the polearm blade

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:48 pm

The clash of metal sounded like thunder as they caught against each other. He'd be able to see the slight purple hue of the metal, matching the dark purple color of her exotic armor, this was metal forged with her chitin by her soul, Toxico. Her zanpakuto. It reflected the beginnings of his mask in the pink gloss. In the background, her golden colored eyes narrow.

"A mask?" She asked, her tone even. He'd notice the tone, the lack of strain in her face, the sweat free brows scrunched up slightly. Still locking the blade with him, she looked to the side.

Evan was looking at a book, fingers on his chin, old sketch pencil behind his ear. "I've never encountered anything like that.. A shinigami with a hollow mask? That's strange.."

"Should I rip this one off, too?" She asked, her eyes on a the invisible male. But then brought them back to Zaal. "Its ugly." She insulted, but her opinion held very little weight in any reality. And then she reached out with her left hand to grab at what was on his face, ready to do as she did with her own mask. Discard it.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:57 pm

zaal's eyes that were glowing red at this point through the mask opening narrowed at the conversation she was having with herself at this point. Even with the power boost it was not like he would be able to push her back on phisical strength alone..he needed his sword arm free to finish what he needed

and like what was suspected he did not even twitch at the insult of the mask..allthough he honestly did agree with that assment..but..well its not like he could get rid of it,but not for lack of trying. His voice echoed out with that very unnatural tint to in the effect of his mask "i woullddennnttt" his point was made clear as a glowing red orb was forming in front of his mast right between their faces

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:17 pm

Rose was not scared by the flashy show of cero, it was not the first time she had to face another hollow, and it would not be the last.

And despite the cero he currently was forming, it did not seem to do anything to warn her hand off. In fact, it seemed that it encouraged her to reach past the charging attack, daring him to release it mere inches from his face. She was either very smart, or mad.

And let's face it, Rose Colt was insane.

She planted her whole hand on it, her fingers invading his intimate space and trying to hook in between his eye holes, finding places for her hand to get a solid grip on it before she planned to wrench it off his face.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:22 pm

Zaal showed no outward reaction for a few seconds before his head moved like he was chuckleing and a sound that sounded oddly like an amused snort came from the captain the cero began to spin dangeriously before it let out a loud roar as it fired at the loony point blank the loud explosion was deafaning

The shinigami himself flying backwards from the force there were minor burns along his body as he was flying in a similer way to the hollow girl herself did shakeing his head as he crashed into the remains of the pillar he sent her way earlier

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:29 pm

The result of the unmasking was apparently explosive, as he let it off before she had the chance to give it even a good tug. They were thrown back from each other, but she would have found it easier to recover, landing on the other side of the canyon his kido made earlier on her feet, her hands covered in black marks and her face had a smidgen burn. Or had that always been there? She ran the back of her hand against it, and a smile curled up on her face.

She sheathed her weapon on her back, apparently deciding a goal for herself. She then kicked off of the ground and aimed to land on his fallen body, fist or knee first into his gut.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:36 pm

took a steadying breath as while he was laying down he managed to sheath his blade yet again still for a second in concentration as he let the sword just lay at his side aparently both of them had decided that weapons were not needed for the next part..before getting up however his head snapped upwards looking at the top of the ruined pillar where a pair of legs were hanging off the rest of the attire rather famalier with that other arroncar that was walking with the girl...the wolf himself just had his brows furrowed as he was focusing on the shinigami fighting the scorpion who was doing rather spectacularly in his opinion. when the two gained eye contact as zaal was standing Dellindis just motioned his head to the scorpion who was steadily approaching.

zaal shook his head looking up at the hollow quickly descending on his position intending to force the shinigami to expel his lunch,he immediatly attempted to roll off to the side scrambling to his feet

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:08 pm

The shadow that was Rose grew bigger around his stomach, but he moved out of her way, getting to his feet out of her way. This was unfortunate as she was about to land on nothing, but she was able to adjust her legs so that she landed on her feet in a crouched position. But instead of springing up to react, her foot came up, kicking at him as she contorted her body in an odd shape.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:12 pm

he grunted as he was kicked by the hollow that felt like she wasnted a hand to hand fight slideing over the ground hitting various pieces of concrete as he manages to stop himself shakeing the butterflys out of his head as he took a deep breath yet again trying to calm off his more bloodthirsty impulses at the moment.

standing up straight and shoveing the dust off his coat he motioned the scorpion in a come hither expression

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:17 pm

As her foot made contact, it was apparent he was getting the one on one he desired earlier. He stumble back and she was on her way to attack again when he stood up straight and dusted himself off. Getting with the program as it were.

She gladly obliged his request, she used her own flash step to get up and personal, her fist already prepped and trying to make contact with his face.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:24 pm

He ducked leftwards in response to the attack wanting to make a generous introduction with his face,his mask disintagrated as he dodged allthough he did not seam to worse for the wear for its use "you know...that hard skin of yours kinda of makes fighting like this rather unfair" he cocked his arm back his arm attempting to send a hard punch to the spot her cut earlier

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:41 pm

Rose knew she'd missed after hitting air, and prepared for retaliation. They both felt the fist impact, his knuckles thrusting into the soft skin of her belly, the hot blood that seeped out of it has long since dried, but it was actually a contrast to what he'd just said. He felt her body respond to the blow, clenching up in pain, but he'd watch as her face remained stone.

And like her fight with Keyno, she was not willing to miss an opportunity, he might even think for a second that she planned to take a hit just to get a nice shot at him. And if he were any good at sensing cero, he'd know she had something already planned under that dead eye'd look and that he was WAY too close. (Although she lacked any control so it was a wonder who didn't feel that.)

Her left hand gave a twist as it balled up in a fist, and the cero twisted into a cone shape, twisting like a drill head as she returned the blow to the gut. Even this energy taxing attack was filled to the brim with her reishi.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:13 am

He remained ever more tense as they were face to face against each other his knuckles stinging from hitting her like has been quite a while since he last actually engaged in a fist fight..which would be refreshing if they weren't in a life and death situation..

The captains brow furrowed at the lack of reaction from the hollow but the cause of concern was the perculier cero that she was forming right between them similer to what he did not moments ago..although this one looked far more painful "hmmmm...well" he was deciptivly calm for someone about to be impaled.

His arm immediatly shot to her forearm to try to grab her to slow her down or at the very least attempt to divert her attack from a lethal to just a mildly life threataning area

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:15 am

Along with only having one way to compete with anyone who is normally faster than a 13 year old girl - Sonido - she was about as strong as you'd think a normal human was that matched the appearance of her age. Perhaps not that weak, as she was a hollow and they had to be strong to survive for this long, but not strong enough to resist all of his efforts to push her attack away.

It had been aimed straight for the center of this very skilled warrior, but she only had the ability to thrust forward while wielding this dangerous thing, so when he grabbed her wrist and tried to redirect it as such a close distance, he was able to move in a few inches away from ripping apart everything between his navel and spinal cord. The cero, however, was still dangerous. And the spinning energy easily pierced the flesh of his body.

With her help, the cero ripped through his right side as it took a clear 8th of his body mass with it. The spinning edges dug, scooped, and threw chunk after chunk of his spiritual body and splattered it across the split roof of the damaged castle. His blood was forced counter clockwise through the air, and it washed over him and her as well as the bloody scattered bits of his body on the ground before it was released from her control.

As if the add insult to injury, literally this time, her fist that had made the blow pulled out of his gapping hole, covered in his crimson life-force. And the right hand comes up and slams him square into the jaw. She seemed to not be satisfied with the gore or the free hit, as she lifted her knee up and slammed it hard into the already wounded shinigami, thrusting him back and out of her personal space.

But that's where she stopped, apparently satisfied now that she had returned the favor for cutting into her stomach. Her hands fell to her sides, and she just stood there. Apparently reverting somewhat to the old rules, where she'd remove whatever was causing her pain and distress before returning to a neutral state. In fact, she was confused to why he'd been attacking her in the first place..

She turned to Dellindis. "You were saying?" She asked, as if they could pick right up where they'd stopped the conversation in the hallway earlier. She even began to move towards him, away from the wounded shinigami on the ground, and effectively announcing she believed the fight was done. Regardless if he did or not.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:45 pm

Considering all that was done so far the shinigami responded rather well too having a good chunk of his body pierced through blood splattering a grimace on his features as his eyes looked down to the wound he just received...well it could of been worse he reasoned..still though..moving around too much with that thing would be hazardous to his health...even more then the assignment of this was.

While all that was going through his head, he barely registered as she retrieved her bloody arm from his side frowning as he looked down very much wanting to make some witty remark but for some reason he decided against such an action.

He did not even retort as he was hit squarely in the jaw almost dislocateing it,coughing up bloody as her knee slammed into him and pushing him back a few feet repeatidly coughing as he shook the butterfly's from his head.

The most confusing part to the two males there was that she had seemingly switched gears on the fly thinking the fight was well over now that she had her payback which earned an eye twitch from the shinigami which to people who knew him well was as far as yelling to him. Now sure if he was someone else,say one of those ever prideful nobles he would of taken that worse then the actual wound...or if he was the captain of the 11th squad he would be screaming bloody murder at this point..but thankfully he had somewhat of a level head attached to him for the moment.

So as she walked away the errant thought cccame to the shinigami to try a sneak attack or to just unleash everything his zanpakuto had at this point which would probably reduce everyone there to a nice crator...he quickly pushed said thoughts out of his mind..they would probably kill him before he had such a change...if it was her alone he could try. His eyes looked up to the other arroncar that all but stayed out of the fight..which he could of taken either of two ways that he was the weaker one...or he just did not wish to fight..Zaal had no wish to test either theory to be honest.

Dellindis himself from his sitting position just had his head quirked to the side as he watched the captain contemplate his next move..the arroncar turned his attention to the apparent winner of the fight keeping the shinigami in the corner of his eye "i can honestly say i forgot what i was talking about.yknow with this big distraction and all that"

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by lonewolvernsoul Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:30 pm

Rose waited patiently for him to respond, feeling no danger or threat was around, but she was surprised to hear that he'd forgotten completely about what they were talking about. Indeed... Even she forgot. Well that was upsetting, but she decided it fitting. "I guess I'll leave then." She said, but then looked at the scratch on her belly. She had came here to fix this, but it would seem Asuna's rook would be presented as damaged goods no matter what she did. She stared for a bit, apparently hearing one of the voices only she could say something. Then she looked back up. "Will you come, or stay?" It seemed there was nothing left here.

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Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger. - Page 7 Empty Re: Feeding her Wound, and Healing her Hunger.

Post by Dellindis Sat Dec 24, 2016 3:09 pm

Dellindis did not look too affected as she decided on leaving then his eyes shifting to the shinigami who was just watching them blankly before he returned his attention to her.

His eyebrow quirked as she focused too much on her new wound that said guest gave her..he looked even more surprised as she asked if he was coming tilting his head to the side "hmmm sure why not" he did a waving motion over the ruins they were in...much like the rest of the hollow kingdom...just ruins. "this place is depressing enough as it is" he sighed and jumped down looking over at the direction of the shinigami who was not there anymore..apparently having gone down the hole again to look at the leftovers.

Dellindis scratched his head in a nervous gesture..and old habit he had yet to violently gut "i guess its your turn to lead the way?"

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